[Twitter Tips] How to Fix Twitter Video Quality?

Eleanor Reed
5 min readJun 28, 2020


“I downloaded my video from Twitter. Once I checked my video I noticed the quality had dropped tremendously… the video is an MP4 download so I have no idea what the problem could be.”

Fix Twitter Video Quality
Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

Twitter awfully destroys your video’s pixel details. That’s why a great video quality on your device usually ends up/appears unacceptable once uploaded to twitter. Sorry, but it’s official.

The video compression levels Twitter implements are obviously severe. Twitter and other social media platforms do this mostly to enhance user experience.

Since a higher video quality is directly proportional to bandwidth, heavily compressing user’s uploads may make sense after all; It enables users with poor network speed to quickly view friend’s uploads without getting frustrated -which makes the platform appear fast.

Low Network and Low Video Quality
Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

That’s why most online services now adjust video quality based on the user’s network speed. However, it is easy for all this to stop making sense to you especially if your video isn’t large but still gets awfully compressed. So, are there workarounds?

Reasons for Blurry Uploaded Videos on Twitter

Here are the more extensive explanations about why your video becomes low-quality after uploading to Twitter.

1. Video Compression Technique

The way Twitter handles your uploads is very much different from the way your personal device handles them.

After uploading a video on Twitter, Twitter doesn’t just feed you and other users back with the lovely quality — it manipulates it. Compression.

Twitter compresses your uploads for reasons best known to them but compression, as we know, is generally carried out on files disc space management or service optimization. Twitter may do this for the later.

Photo by Ostap Senyuk on Unsplash

2. Your Network Speed/Browser Settings

More services online are beginning to adopt a responsive approach to this. They may modify video quality based on the user’s network speed.

If you’ve ever tried to open/play a video online over a really slow internet connection, you’ll not just understand, but also appreciate such services for a thoughtful decision.

Also, on your browser, if you have a data saving settings turned on, the quality of the video you view may be tempered with/’optimized’ for you.

Slow internet connection
Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

3. Non-optimized Video

Video optimization is key. If your video is well optimized before uploading it to twitter, then Twitter may not find any reason(s) to ‘optimize’ it for you!

Making a video with the appropriate video format or one that sticks to the twitter video specifications may simply work wonders for you.

Twitter recommends MP4 videos less than 141 seconds in length -that’s about 2:20 or less.

4. Corrupted Video

You should confirm that your video files didn’t become blurry before you upload them online.

If your device is infected with a virus, it could behave funny at times.

If your video files usually get blurry on their own, then you probably uploaded a blurry video online.

Blurry videos

Important Tips to Improve Twitter Video Quality

Choose best video format for Twitter

Twitter officially recommends the MP4 video file type. MOV video files are also supported but not the preferred option if you want a better video quality.

Keep original video with better quality

When modifying your videos, you should keep in mind the twitter video specifications.

Read requirements for the video to Twitter

Before uploading videos to Twitter, you should familiarize yourself with the video requirements given by twitter. Here are some:

Twitter video
  • Video size less than 512mb
  • A minimum resolution of 32 x 32
  • 1:2.39 to 2.39:1 aspect ratios
  • MP4 and MOV formats
  • Less than 2:20 video length
  • A max frame rate of 40fps and a maximum bitrate of 25mbps

Your video complying with the above requirements may be of help.

For example, if your video is in an MP4 format, it should be H264 with an AAC audio. It is important to note that if your video specs exceed the specifications above, Twitter will definitely help you optimize it.

So it’s better to edit your videos personally before uploading so you’ll know exactly how your video will end up like on Twitter.

No matter how to enhance your videos, as long as it doesn’t exceed what twitter expects, you’ll get what you put in.

You can search for good video editors for twitter.

Final Thoughts

Twitter is used by lots of businesses, individuals, and organizations. Information is being conveyed via Twitter every second in audio and visual formats.

This calls for a reasonable quality of any means of communication used. Lots of videos are uploaded to Twitter every minute and Twitter compresses these videos in a way it deems fit. The compression techniques Twitter uses, almost at all times end up in a really poor, nearly unacceptable quality.

This guide has explained some of the causes of the blurry videos you get back after uploading your video to the platform and also provided tips for uploading and maintaining a better video quality for Twitter.



Eleanor Reed

I am specialized in picture, video, camera and SD card fixes. I ‘d love to translate complicated solutions into easy-to-understand ones.